Yes, Movement does indeed have a referral program. The Movement referral program rewards you for sharing us with your colleagues, clients or friends. When someone clicks your personalised referral link and signs up for a paid Movement account, you’ll receive 20% of their monthly subscription fee for the life of their account. 

To access our referral program simply click this link and click the purple "Join Now" button. This can also be accessed by navigating to Account > Referrals in the Movement admin. Once activated you’ll be able to view your referral link and a report of the accounts you have referred. Your link can be shared anywhere and will automatically identify you as the referrer when somebody signs up through it. It works by embedding unique tracking information in the URL, allowing Movement to track and attribute new user signups to your account. 

Payouts will happen automatically and at the rate of 20% of your referred accounts plan. Funds are paid out to your linked Stripe account. There are no caps to numbers of referrals, the more you share the more you earn. If your referred account closes their Movement account, payments will be ceased.